Names & Heads of Departments under MADC (As on 10th February, 2025)
“The Mara Autonomous District Council (Allocation of Business) Rules, 2011”.
SN. | Name of Department/Office | Name of Head & Designation | Landline | Mobile |
1 | Agri. & Farmers’ Welfare | Catherine M. Chozah, AO | 03835-222468 | 9436362805 |
2 | Animal Husbandry & Vety. | Dr. Beizakaw Vytu, VO | 03835-222493 | 7005903269 |
3 | Art & Culture | o/c: JB. Chozah, A&CPO | 03835-224078 | 8729801928 |
4 | Co-operation | N. Maki, DRCS | N/A | 9366237882 |
5 | Environment & Forests | Thaly T. Azyu, CF | 03835-226250 | 9436149073 |
6 | Finance & Accounts | N. Elizabeth, Dy. Secretary | 03835-224028 | 8118914368 |
7 | Fisheries | HC. Ngachhi, FDO | N/A | 9436778246 |
8 | General Admin. & Control | K. Vanlalliana, Exe. Secretary | 03835-222031 | 9436149121 |
9 | Horticulture | o/c: Catherine M. Chozah | 03835-222468 | 9436362805 |
10 | Industries | JH. Beihnai, S & YO | N/A | 9436149936 |
11 | Information & Publicity | Beirokhu Beita, I & PO | 03835-222269 | 9612730998 |
12 | Land Revenue & Settlement | Nazee Khailah, Sr. R & SO | 03835-222270 | 9089566147 |
13 | Law & Judicial | JB. Chozah, CP & AR | 03835-222030 | 8729801928 |
14 | Legislative | Pheiki Solo, Secy. to D/Council | 03835-222468 | 9436379712 |
15 | Local Administration | S. Lalmuanpuii, Sr. LAO | 03835-222444 | 9436362831 |
16 | Minor Irrigation | o/c: Catherine M. Chozah | 03835-222468 | 9436362805 |
17 | Planning & Prog. Implementation | K. Dinaii, P&DO | 03835-225042 | 8787627221 |
18 | Public Health Engineering | S. Chozah, EE | 03835-225039 | 9436777752 |
19 | Public Works | A. Viahra, SE | 03835-225064 | 9436764282 |
20 | Relief & Rehabilitation | o/c K. Vanlalliana, Exe. Secretary | 03835-222031 | 9436149121 |
21 | Rural Development | Albert Hlychho, RDO | 03835-226578 | 9436379122 |
22 | School Education - PS | TT. Kholaw, Sr. EO | 03835-226253 | 8731003740 |
School Education - MS | K. Beingiachhie, Sr. EO | N/A | 9436149098 | |
Board of School Education Office | BM. Khaimeichho, Secretary | N/A | 9862292024 | |
Adult Education Office | Benjamin Hlychho, AEO | N/A | 7421936590 | |
23 | Sericulture | Dixon LT. Khotly, SO | N/A | 8974859584 |
24 | Soil & Water Conservation | Vabeikhaihmô Solo, SCO | 03835-222478 | 8730094617 |
25 | Social Welfare | Patricia T. Azyu, SWO | 03835-222209 | 9612328697 |
26 | Sport & Youth Services | S. Vabeihasa, S&YO | 03835-222422 | 9436149275 |
27 | Transport | John Kenneth Syhly, RTO | N/A | 9862954551 |
28 | Vigilance | o/c K. Vanlalliana, Exe. Secretary | 03835-222031 | 9436149121 |
o f f i c e | Mara House, Aizawl | Coroline Hlychho, LO | 0389-2342572 | 9862688037 |
Div. Administrative Office, Tipa | HC. Lalropuia, DIO | N/A | 8974306796 | |
Circle. Admin. Office, Vahia | o/c: N. Abela, RO i/c CAO | N/A | 8413036778 |
Sd/- Beirôkhu Beitâ
Information & Publicity Officer
Mara Autonomous District Council