Name : Puhpa S. Lalremthanga

Designation: Executive Member 

1. Primary School
2. Hindi Education
3. Board of School Education
4. Samagra (MS & UPS)
5. AH & Vety Department.

Constituency:  10 - Tipa - I

Number of terms elected to MDC:  3rd terms as elected and one term as nominated member.

Email Address:

Father’s Name:  S. Zachina

Mother’s Name:  T. Zingthluaii

Brothers  (with full name)  :
1. S. Lalremruata
2. S. Lalramngheta

Sisters  (with full name) :
1. S. Siampuii
2. S. Lalvenbiki

Date of Birth:  11th September 1960

Place of Birth:  Tipa 'B'

Marital Status:  Married

Date of Marriage:  18th February 1988

Spouse’s Name:  K. Lilypawngia

No. of  Sons (with full name):  
1. Kenneth VB. Chhitha
2. Kevin S. Lalhruaitluanga

No. of  Daughters  (with full name):  
1. Marina Vanlalruati Solo
2. Priscilla Lallawmsangi Solo

Educational  Qualification:  B.A. (Hons), M.A. (Sociology)

Profession:   Politics

Permanent Address:   New Siaha West, near UPC Church.

Present Address:   Same as above.

Special Interests :  

Church  Activities: Local Secretary Member under ECM Assembly.

Activities in NGO: General Secretary, MSU, Shillong 1985-86.

Other Information  (if any) :   

Mobile Number:  8414887127

WhatsApp  Number: 8414887127

Phone Landline (O) :   

Phone Landline (R):  Nil.